

4 reasons why you learn much faster at the English Academy:

  • The best NATIVE SPEAKERS to teach your English courses in Brussels.

  • We make you SPEAK the language fluently and with self-confidence.

  • Our highly EFFICIENT ‘7 Golden Rules’ language learning METHOD.

  • Start without hesitation thanks to our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

French, Dutch and English courses in Brussels and online:

private English lessons
group lessons adults
English evening lessons
conversation classes
Intensive English lessons
group lessons teenagers
weekly English lessons
Intensive English lessons
corporate English lessons
Courses for business in Belgium
English for doctors

How to start your English course at the English Academy?

1. Use the menu above to check out our courses.
Learn about our efficient method, our private and group lessons, possible timetables, and prices.

2. Do our responsive online English level test.
And find out your level on the CEFR, the official European standard, in just 15 minutes.

3. Request a free personal language audit.
We answer all your questions, check your oral level and your individual needs and availability.

4. Start boosting your English without risk.
With our money back guarantee, you run no risk. We have no choice but to make you succeed.

1st language school

English courses in Brussels at the English Academy.

Who else commits to guaranteeing your success?

Listen to our successful students.

They have made huge progress with our efficient courses, and so can you!

Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.

English courses in Brussels at the English Academy.

Listen to our successful students.

They have made huge progress with our efficient courses, and so can you!

Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.

Ambitious professionals like MARIJE learn to:

  • Speak English fluently with colleagues, clients, and friends from other countries.

  • Advance their careers. Check the language requirements on the jobsite of Actiris.

  • Boost their confidence and accuracy when speaking or writing emails in English.

Managers & businesspeople like CHRISTOPHE can:

  • Negotiate with clients and colleagues without being limited by the language.

  • Give impressive presentations that can truly inspire their audience.

  • Write emails, reports and online content, thus communicating their expertise.

Young learners & teenagers like ANGELINA will:

  • Prepare for the world of tomorrow in which English will be essential.

  • Pass their exams at secondary school, by improving their oral and written skills.

  • Prepare for higher education, that requires a strong level of English. (Including Erasmus)

Academic staff and students, like ILARIA will:

  • Perfect their English to excel during university courses and exams.

  • Write academic papers in English, in a clear, subtle and flawless language.

  • Qualify to study or teach in English, with an IELTS or the Cambridge Certificates.

“Our English courses in Brussels, other locations and online are optimised for one goal only: to make you speak English as well as your native language.”

Edgard Frederix – director of the English Academy


Native English teachers

qualified & experienced

Yearly, we evaluate over a hundred native speakers, with a TESOL or similar degree as a language teacher and a lot of experience.
After interviews and tests, the successful candidates teach trial lessons, where we examine their teaching, language, and social skills, and offer additional training.
The few that meet our quality criteria, can deliver the fast progress you deserve.

'7 Golden Rules' study method

Highly efficient

We first defined the deadly mistakes that every language student makes and that prevent rapid progress.
For every one of those 7 mistakes, we have designed a solution, a Golden Rule.
Not only do we apply those Golden Rules in our courses, but we summarise them in a practical guide, including the mistakes they correct.


You speak the language

fluently & with confidence

You can only truly master a language if you speak it, with a teacher who corrects your mistakes and explains how to avoid making those mistakes ever again, as confirmed by Bruxelles Formation.
Unfortunately, most language lessons fail to do this, and thus limit your progress and even discourage you.
At the English Academy, we make you apply the language as a native speaker.

Money back guarantee

Don't take any risk

If for some reason, you are not satisfied with our classes, you can inform us after two lessons, and we will reimburse the payment for all the lessons you haven’t had. Without any conditions.
The English Academy dares to make such an offer because there are only very few people that are not fully satisfied with our lessons.

English level test

English level test

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English courses in Brussels or online.
What to expect from the English Academy?

  • Practical English for daily use
    The English you find in most schoolbooks and on websites is rarely adapted to daily communication in English with clients and colleagues or on a trip. Our English courses in Brussels focus on real-life situations.

  • A personalised language audit.
    Different people have different needs, talents, problems, budgets, and availabilities. To help you find the best possible solution, you can request a free language audit with one of our professional training consultants.

  • An unbeatable track record.
    We can prove the extraordinary success of our approach by referring to the thousands of language students who have succeeded to master English or another language at our language school. We have 75 years of experience!

  • A stimulating environment.
    Boring lessons will kill your appetite to learn. We use a dynamic, fun and highly participative learning method that boosts your motivation and your desire to learn. You will always eagerly look forward to your next class.

Find the course that suits you.

Most of our visitors find the right solution thanks to our Course Finder.

English evening lessons
English conversation classes
Intensive English lessons
weekly English lessons
Intensive English lessons
Courses for business in Belgium
English for doctors

Multiply your chance of success:

of all language learners finish their course successfully. That is an unpleasant fact that cannot be ignored.
of English Academy students reach their objectives.* So, our success rate is 7 times higher than average.

*An independent Qfor quality audit of ‘Management Information’ showed that 92% of our students are satisfied or very satisfied.

Choose a solution that works.
Reduce your risk of failure considerably:
join the English Academy

Where to find us

Where to find us


Rue Louis Hapstraat 156, 1040 Brussels


02 734 8073




Or click here for our exact location in the capital, for our opening hours or to make an appointment.

Advantages of an experienced teacher to an app.

  • Tailored learning experience
    An experienced teacher assesses a student’s individual strengths and weaknesses, tailoring lessons to address specific needs. This personalized approach ensures that the learner’s unique challenges are addressed, something an app’s standardized content cannot achieve.

  • Immediate and specific feedback
    Native English teachers provide instant, detailed feedback on mistakes, pronunciation and syntax.This real-time interaction helps correct mistakes immediately, reinforcing proper language use more effectively than delayed or generic feedback from an app.

  • Confidence and motivation
    In our English courses in Brussels, teachers adapt their teaching style to maintain a student’s interest and motivation. In direct communication with a tutor who offers a practical guidance to mastery of another language, not only your fluency but also your confidence will grow rapidly.

  • Real-life communication skills
    Interacting with a native speaker prepares students for real-world conversations. Teachers can simulate real-life scenarios, role-play, and use authentic materials, such as news articles or videos, to teach practical language skills that go beyond the textbook or app.

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